
The attention to details, as a corporate culture.

Requires our constant commitment to ensuring precision in manufacture, painting and assembly. we believe that attention to details is a normal requirement for the luxury product. do things well is not linked to the cost of the finished product, but to the corporate culture and the professionalism of the employees who work on your future furniture every day. In respect for the environment and people, we guarantee that all wooden parts use wood coming from areas not at risk of deforestation. Your dream, all strictly Made in Italy.

We are working to reduce formaldehyde emissions

We always put every effort into guaranteeing the quality of our products and not only of their design. We want innovation to be healthy and sustainable to ensure that a Murobianco home is as safe as it is beautiful.

CARB certification is awarded to materials whose emissions are far lower than those specified by European regulations. By favouring the safety of our products, we favour the environment as well.


FSC® is a forest stewardship certificate that accompanies products along the entire production chain.
A FSC® certificate testifies that the wooden parts of certified products come from sustainably managed forests.

Our goal is to grow together while protecting our forests, a heritage we all share.


Our furniture is made entirely in Italy including its design, its construction, its workmanship and its packing.

We respect our highly-specialised workers as well as the work they do.